Signora Lady  

Signora Lady

Hey! My name is Signora (Mrs/Madam/Frau) Lady, and I am a 9 yo poodle. Officially I am Greta’s assistant, but  in the last few months I worked as lab manager and professional emotional supporter of the group. Occasionally, I even lend a paw with manuscript writing—check out the photos below for proof.

When I’m not busy, I absolutely love cuddles and napping.

Let me tell you about my favorite words: casa, lavoro, macchina, mamma, pappa, and the best of all, banana. Bananas are life. Bananas are love. If you want my undivided attention, just say “banana.”

Now, let’s talk about something serious. Saying “carino” to anything that isn’t me? That’s not just rude, it’s disrespectful. Call it toxic if you like, but perhaps I’m just holding everyone to appropriately high standards.


I’m also actively involved in the fight for tick awareness! Stay tuned and follow us for updates.

