Carlo Croci

Ph.D. Student

Genomic evolution of bacterial symbionts of eukaryotes

ORCID profile of Carlo Croci:



My PhD project is focused on the evolutionary, genomic and functional analyses of arthropods associated bacteria using molecular biology and bioinformatic approaches.

I have always been passionate about the symbioses between arthropods and bacteria. Actually, since high school I was inspired from E. O. Wilson theories which used to refer to ants and termites as “the little things that run the natural world”. I find intriguing how arthropods, as key ecological drivers, often rely on intricate symbiotic relationships with bacteria to fulfill their roles, embodying the concept of holobionts.

My current projects include comparative genomics of bacterial symbionts and molecular screening of symbiotic microorganisms in arthropods.

My main project aims to evaluate the presence, prevalence and abundance of bacterial symbionts in different lineages of arthropods through Nanopore full-length 16S metabarcoding to find new bacterial symbionts and evaluate the prevalence on the host population.

The aim of the second project is to sequence and analyse the genomes of novel bacterial symbionts associated to diverse lineages of arthropods and other eukaryotic hosts trying to elucidate the evolutionary history of the symbionts and the specific adaptations involved in the host-associated lifestyle and interactions, thus providing functional, evolutionary and ecological insights.

curriculum vitae
