

Biomedical parasitology (6 CFU) Laurea Magistralis in Experimental and Applied Biology (course held in Italian)

Parasitology and symbiotic associations (6 CFU) Laurea Magistralis in Experimental and Applied Biology (course held in Italian)

Bioinformatics (3 CFU) Laurea Magistralis in Molecular Biology and Genetics (course held in English)


Bachelor and Master students can carry out internships focusing on a variety of approaches and topics. The two main fields of interest of the laboratory are (1) bacterial symbiosis and (2) genomic epidemiology. Investigations are performed through a variety of techniques and tools of microscopy, bioinformatics and molecular biology.


We use DataCamp, the intuitive learning platform for data science. It includes 100+ courses on R, Python and SQL created by expert instructors on topics such as importing data, data visualization or machine learning and allows to learn faster through immediate and personalised feedback on every exercise.